Tutorial How to Create Receding Text Effects with Photoshop CS6


Photoshop text effects tutorial will discuss how to create a text effect recede used to create a magazine cover or other. This text effect tutorial I created using Photoshop CS6 in the form of video that you can get for free this Photoshop text effects. This tutorial is my show for those of you who are learning to make a text effect with Photoshop from the basic; with hope after you practice directly can create text effects Photoshop templates. Tik76 channel also provides a wide variety of text effects Photoshop tutorials ranging from cool text effects Photoshop to the 3d text effects Photoshop.

Tutorial Photoshop text effects are not using additional assets that you need to download, so it really pure from Photoshop. I also provide a PSD file of this receding text effects that can be downloaded via the link below. Tutorial Photoshop text effects have indeed receding I created using Photoshop CS6, but for those of you who want to try it with Photoshop CS5 or other versions can also be and no problems whatsoever.

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